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Asa Invisível


Asa Invisível Feita Apenas Para Bk mas Pode Ser Usada para Outras Classes Basta Saber O nome das Asas Na pasta Item as asas e seus Respectivos nomes estão Aqui:
Nome das Asas:

Wings of Elf = Wing01
Wings of Heaven = Wing02
Wings of Satan = Wing03
Wings of Spirit = Wing04
Wings of Soul = Wing05
Wings of Dragon = Wing06
Wings of Darkness = Wing07
Wings of Storm (s3) - 3rd wing of BM = Wing08
Wings of Vortex (s3) - 3rd wing of GM = Wing09
Wings of Illusion (s3) - 3rd wing of HE = Wing10
Wings of Doom (s3) - 3rd wing of DM = Wing11
Wings of Despair (s3 ep2) - 1st wing of Summoner = Wing42
Wings of Catastrophe (s3 ep2) - 2nd wing of Summoner = Wing43


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